Titans of the Cosmos

Cal State Fullerton scientists and their students are on the forefront of discovery, conducting cutting-edge research in a hot, emergent field of astronomy — gravitational waves.

As part of the international collaboration of researchers that discovered gravitational waves — ripples in the fabric of space-time — Titan scientists played a significant role in proving Einstein’s theory of general relativity.

Their groundbreaking discovery opened a new window on how the universe works.

At CSUF's Nicholas and Lee Begovich Center for Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astronomy, student researchers and their mentors study neutron stars, black holes and the cosmic collisions that cause gravitational waves — finding new clues to understanding the universe and unravelling its many mysteries.

Be the difference.

Help further gravitational wave research at Cal State Fullerton.

For more information about this investment opportunity and how your contribution will be used, contact:

Michael Karg
Executive Director of Development

Toni Miller
Senior Director of Development

800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831-3599


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