Stories of Impact: Cassandra Caldwell

Inspired by my interests in true crime and photography, I decided to meld these worlds together in my senior thesis project. My project for my bachelor’s degree in art is titled “All Evidence Points to Homicide” and includes six photography installations, 3D sculptures and found materials.

Each photographic installation focuses on a fabricated homicide case. With the visual display of images, documentation and physical evidence, I present a presumably unsolved case for viewers to draw their own conclusions — similar to how a detective might process the information.

Cassandra Caldwell

I need a lot of supplies and materials to complete my final project. Receiving the Darryl Curran Creative Photography Scholarship relieves some of the stress of financing it and has given me a feeling of being seen by my biggest supporters.

During my time here at Cal State Fullerton, I have dedicated a lot of energy into finding my own voice in my photographic work. For as long as I can remember, creating visual art has been the best way I know how to connect with people. Every project allows me to communicate feelings or concepts beyond what I am able to articulate into words.

My career aspirations are to work at a creative agency or production company because I love being in a creative environment. I also plan on getting my graduate degree to teach photography at the college level and hopefully inspire future generations of artists.

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Fullerton, CA 92831-3599


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