Stories of Impact: Jonathan Oseguera

Working in a classroom of students with severe maladaptive behaviors was the most challenging job I have ever faced. Children were running away from classroom work, jumping on and crawling under furniture, spitting, crying, being aggressive and using foul language. I learned of their extensive medical needs, and encountered people who misjudged both the students and staff for their actions.

Yet, through all of that, I felt extremely proud of my students’ progress at the end of the year when I watched them walk across the stage to receive their commencement certificates. It was at that ceremony that I told myself, “This is what I want to do with my life.”

Jonathan Oseguera

Once I chose my career, I wasn’t sure where to start. I turned to the Center for Careers in Teaching at Cal State Fullerton and learned about the Men of Color in Education program. It intrigued me that there were other male educators with whom I could converse and connect with in the field.

Together, we discussed representation within schools and communities, flaws of the school systems, how to address and change those flaws, and reflected on ourselves as individuals trying to make a difference in the lives of our future students.

After I complete my teacher credential program, I want to continue my education with a master’s degree. The more knowledgeable I become, the better service I will be able to provide for my students and their families. I want to educate students — that’s where my heart is.

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We are proud to help the College of Education offer innovative, high-quality and inclusive educational opportunities to future, pre-service and in-service teachers in our community.

Bill Cheney, president and CEO, SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union

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Fullerton, CA 92831-3599


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