Stories of Impact: Jessica Choi

I have always loved stories. But my parents, fearful that I would not land a lucrative career, urged me to consider focusing on math and science. My decision to pursue journalism wasn’t popular in my family, but the choice was solidified for me when I realized I could use writing to elevate the diverse stories of people around me.

By studying communications at Cal State Fullerton, not only am I discovering my story, but I am being empowered by opportunities like being chosen as one of the university’s NBCU Academy fellows. It’s more than an honor. It’s a recognition of my dedication to diversity and my passion for Asian American advocacy and representation in the media.

The fellowship awarded me a $10,000 scholarship and the chance to work on an investigative project with NBC. I’m collaborating with other student journalists across the nation and guided by NBC mentors. This deep dive investigation is advancing my reporting, writing and researching skills on a topic of national importance.

As I gained more experiences through my education, such as working at the Daily Titan and my internship at the Voice of OC, I developed a deep appreciation for diversity as a vital element for the growth and evolution of journalism. That is why I founded the first Asian American Journalists Association chapter at Cal State Fullerton. The national nonprofit organization works to advance diversity in newsrooms and ensure fair and accurate coverage of communities of color.

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800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831-3599


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