Stories of Impact: Taylor Livingston

As an African American woman in STEM, I am grateful to be breaking stereotypes while challenging myself to pursue a field that will advance technology in our world.

When I first arrived at Cal State Fullerton, I attended an event called “Welcome to CSUF Day,” where I learned about a program called Women in Computer Science and Engineering. The adviser told me she wanted to build a community, where women studying computer science and engineering could have meaningful conversations and develop their leadership and technical skills.

At the first WiCSE meeting I attended, I was truly amazed to see so many women working toward technical degrees. I realized that I was not alone, and I now had a support system to lean on.

Through WiCSE, I have been able to create an amazing network of women in STEM. I have become more confident in myself, am mastering my “soft skills” and fighting imposter syndrome. Having a community that I can relate to, and that constantly encourages me to do my best, is truly life-changing.

WiCSE also opened my eyes to understand that computer science is a broad field. Beyond computers and technological systems, I am studying business administration to become a versatile asset in the workplace. I’m still exploring potential careers, but I would like to be able to communicate between the technical and the administrative sides of a business. One thing is clear: Women are needed in STEM because our voices, ideas and solutions are crucial to the growth of the fields in the long run.

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This investment will help students from disadvantaged backgrounds attain college degrees that lead to high-wage careers in our county’s growing sectors, including engineering and computer science. It’s a true win-win opportunity to create lasting positive results.

Allan Staff, president, Bank of America Orange County

800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831-3599


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